Exercising to exhaustion isn't a sign of a good workout.


Water and food.  You need plenty of both to swing and lift heavy shit.

If you have to drag yourself off the floor after your workout, there’s a good chance you need to be better hydrated and energized (in the form of calories).

Yes, there’s a number of other reasons why a workout would be tough- from sleep to stress and all things in between.

But water and food?  A great place to start.

And in my nearly two decades as a coach, it’s one of the most common reasons I see.

Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one.

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The squat variation you should be doing.


Kettlebell single arm suitcase squats are one of the best squat variations out there.

Yup, I said it.

And here's why...

Any exercise where you have weight on one side of your body (as opposed to a double suitcase squat) and not the other creates instability. 

And being unstable means your core needs to work that much harder to keep you from tipping over.

So core stability, balance work, grip strength!, and of course, lower body fire .

How to do it:

To get the most out of this move, keep your weight as balanced as you can between your two feet and keep your shoulders square (words can't express how difficult this can be!).

Keep your chest up, navel drawn to spine, and squeeze your glutes as you stand.  


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Some truths about me.

Some facts about me that have nothing to do with fitness...

  • In 1985, we got my moms dream dog- a toy poodle named Monique- and she was a wild first dog experience.  My dad didn't like her and my mom treated her like a baby- she regularly painted her nails and played with different haircuts on her (my haircut here is also courtesy of my mother).  Monique was far from a good fit for our family; she's wearing a cast in this pic because my brother would chase her around our small house and she broke her leg on our brick fireplace.  Somehow, she lived a long life and died while my brother and I were in college (and she was living with an elderly lady who was a much better fit for her, but that's a whole other story).
  • I had brain surgery a few years after this pic to remove a large benign tumor from the base of my brain.  My surgery date was set for the next week and they sent me home.  The day before my surgery the tumor slipped while I was blow drying my hair,...
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